Orange and chocolate cake
This is a typical Sephardic Passover cake, which has various versions, made throughout the Mediterranean.
March 13, 2012/by Riccardo
Acquacotta – a delicious vegetable soup
This is an adapted version of a traditional Jewish-Italian Purim dish.
February 10, 2012/by Shilpa BaligaLentil and celeriac salad
A great way to eat lentils when the weather is war. This salad has great bite and a lovely flavour.
May 14, 2011/by Riccardo
Pasta with broccoli
This is a quick, healthy and tasty dish originally from southern Italy which has many possible variations (some add anchovies, some boil the broccoli in the pasta water etc).
February 13, 2011/by Riccardo
Fruit Bavaroise
This is a great summer dessert which is light, fruity, fresh and refreshing!
January 8, 2011/by Riccardo
Ricotta cheesecake
We have met some true cheesecake connoisseurs at our cooking school in Italy, but many say that this has become their favourite baked cheesecake recipe!
December 22, 2010/by Riccardo
Baked Squash Gnocchi
These are not like boiled gnocchi at all, but are creamy balls of squash baked in a tomato sauce. Guests who come on our cooking courses in Italy say that they are one of their favorite fall dishes.
November 4, 2010/by Riccardo
Pasta and chickpea soup
This dish is lighter than it sounds, but is satisfying enough to have as a one-course meal with bread to dip into the bowl. It is a hit on our cooking courses in Italy, particularly the vegetarian ones.
November 2, 2010/by Riccardo
Sformato ~ Soufflé-like Vegetable Flans
Italian soufflés are more rustic and forgiving than their French cousins. They do not have to be eaten when just risen.In fact they are easier to cut and serve when they have cooled down a little.
November 1, 2010/by Riccardo
Tuscan vegetable and bread soup
This soup, like many others, actually improves if left for a day or so. We make a large batch and have it in varied ways - without the bread soaked into it but served on top of hot toast rubbed with raw garlic or with the bread and served at room temperature.
October 25, 2010/by RiccardoAubergine (Eggplant) Crostini
Crostini are little appetizers that you can invent yourself depending on what’s in season and what ingredients you happen to have around. It is easy to cook eggplant in too much oil, since it is something of an oil sponge… this recipe seals the eggplant before oil is added so that you use less oil.
October 24, 2010/by Riccardo
Tomato and Basil bruschetta
In Italian, this simple but delicious tomato appetizer is pronounced "Brusketta". Obviously, use the tastiest tomatoes that you can get hold of. Often, cherry tomatoes have a lot more flavour than larger varieties.
October 24, 2010/by Riccardo